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May 13-15, 2018


The Annual ACIFA Spring Conference 2018 

Will be hosted by Northern Lakes College and will be held at Jasper Park Lodge

Conference Theme

The organizing committee is thrilled to have finalized our theme and logo for this year's conference.


Our Theme:


Find your North Star


STAR representing

S - Sustainability

T - Technology

A - Accessibility

R - Resiliency.

Connect with us on Twitter and share your conference photos!

Also, enter to win a $100 gift card by sharing a photo that represents YOUR NORTH STAR.



The Countdown is on!

ACIFA 2018 Conference Photos - Courtesy of Imre Balint from SAIT

Accommodations: Reserve here

Accommodations: Reserve here

Accommodations: Reserve here

Fairmont has enabled GroupMAX for reservations. GroupMAX is a website that assists guests in making their hotel reservations and you can find it at the following link:  or simply click the button

Reserve Here

ACIFA Executive Council Nominations

At the Annual General Meeting held at the Jasper Park Lodge on May 15, 2018 (at the ACIFA Conference), three positions on the ACIFA Executive Council will be open for election:

  • President

  • Vice-President Negotiations and

  • Vice-President External

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