Climate Survey
Each year, ACIFA conducts a survey of its members across the province to obtain their views on working conditions and attitudes within their institutions.
The survey’s results are used to measure workplace climate over time and across institutions. The results help to inform faculty associations on emerging issues at their respective campuses. The results also provide an opportunity for faculty associations to discuss issues with their administrations.
The survey, which enjoys a relatively high participation rate, is self-administered and it consists of 13 standard questions.
The survey asks academic staff members to indicate their level of agreement with thirteen statements (see below), on a Likert scale of 1 to 5. A response of 5 indicates strong agreement; a response of 1 indicates strong disagreement; while a response of 3 is considered neutral.
Respondents are asked to answer the questions and return completed questionnaires back to their faculty associations before ACIFA tabulates all of the results. Respondents answer the survey anonymously.